The organizations and companies that signed the declaration
Thank you for your commitment to responsible AI development.
See the full list of 306 signatories
Organization | Country | Type of organization |
Ecole des Sciences de l'Information (Information Science School) | Morocco | Other |
HumanIn | France | Association |
Changement majeur | France | Entreprise privée |
Johanne Jean-Maître Services linguistiques | Canada | Entreprise privée |
Technologies Trustii inc. | Canada | Entreprise privée |
FTEL | France | Entreprise privée |
Leap conseil | Canada | Entreprise privée |
ACRIUS | France | Entreprise privée |
Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés du Québec | Canada | Ordre professionnel |
Research Society for Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence (ReSITAI) | Tanzania, the United Republic of | Non-profit organization |
Canadian Dental Research Institute | Canada | Non-profit organization | | Canada | Private company | | Canada | Cooperative |
fruggr | France | Entreprise privée |
Alloprof | Canada | Organisme à but non lucratif |
LaFaBriQ' | France | Association |
Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet) | Indonesia | Non-profit organization |
MTL NewTech | Canada | Organisme à but non lucratif |
Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec | Canada | Ordre professionnel |
Linearis Labs Inc. | Canada | Entreprise privée |
fondation impactIA | Suisse | Organisme à but non lucratif |
Je valide ça, service-conseil | Canada | Entreprise privée |
LOGOSNET LLC | États-Unis | Entreprise privée |
e-REAL - Extended Reality Corporation | United States | Private company |
Monadical Canada Inc. | Canada | Private company |
Organization | Country | Type of organization |